Our Mission

Our aim is to maintain highest professional standards of domiciliary care for those that need help to live safely at home. This will be achieved through the following actions:

Providing a high standard of care and support to every service user.

  1. Providing a safe, welcoming, nurturing atmosphere to service users in their own homes.

  2. Offering consistent, unconditional care, enabling each service user to live in an environment that encourages positive relationships, mutual respect and trust.

  3. Accepting and understanding each service user by maintaining their dignity and self-respect.

  4. Encouraging service users to remain true to their self, identity and self-image preserving their culture, norms and religious needs.

  5. Empowering service users to make choices by encouraging them to express their wishes, feelings and preferences developing their right to self-determination.

  6. Adopting a person-centred approach, ensuring the best possible support for each service user, providing a service specific to the needs of the individual giving them a sense of permanence, security and genuine unhurried commitment.

  7. Being sensitive to service users` needs and expectations by encouraging their full participation in their care, adding them to develop daily living skills and activities to promote independence and choice as applicable.

The Friendship and Reassurance Offered by Regular Home Care Cannot be Underestimated.

Let us Give You a Helping Hand


Let us Give You a Helping Hand -